Let it be?

“Sometimes you will go through deep experiences that bring up intense pain inside of you. If it is in there, it is going to come up. If you have any wisdom, you will leave it alone and not try to change your life to avoid it. You will just relax and give it the space it needs to release and burn through you. You do not want this stuff inside your heart. To feel great love and freedom, to find the presence of God within you, all of this stored pain must go.”

This quote struck me somehow. We all gets lemons from life don't we?
Similar thing my mother said to me. I have been fat like all my life. I was born with a good built. In my childhood picture of me like one month old I look like a six month old baby. I grew up came in university and this became my worst nightmare. I literally have done wonders to look like a "normal girl". All failed. My mother never understand my version of "normal girl" and she asks me questions that irritate me because honestly, they destroy the basis of my perception of this normal girl I want to be. And to mention my craze of losing weight brought me to O.T five months ago (yes!!) and I pretty much lost my heath but did not really lose any weight!!
So yesterday she was there and I was complaining about my lack of stamina and she took my arm in her hands stretched my muscles then said that I had destroyed myself at the age of 23 and this that particularly struck me:
"I do not understand why you do not take lessons. Losing weight is you want the most in life and perhaps you are that way and it is not meant for you to be skinny. You won't ever be because your frame is not like that. You never understand and you keep losing things in the wake of your stubbornness. Why do not you leave it all and let it be and for once feel relaxed?"

I have thought over and over and this why has no answer to it. Perhaps it is not what I learned to do or I am not wise/mature enough to understand.

P.S lame context less post. Ignore.


  1. As they say here in California – if you get a lemon, make a lemonade. If you have a large body frame, there is nothing you can do about it. There are many beautiful women with large frame. For Example: Catherine Zeta and Angelina Jolie. I think Michelle Obama is an attractive broad-shouldered woman.


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