She woke up breathless. It wasn't any ordinary nightmare which scared the hell out her but the nightmare she'd been afraid of since the very first day... she fell for him! And yet today for the first time she saw it in her dream and something about that dream made her believe in it too.
She wasn't much interested in writing or rhyming but the day she first saw him, she dazed all day and wrote these few lines in her journal:

Baby you're a distant star
the one I want to reach the most
the one I badly want to make mine
I could travel light years, my love
just to laze in your silvery shine! 

She made it a habit then. To see him and write for him. Her rhymes weren't the perfect ones, weren't the very poetic ones but they for him and they were from her heart. That was all what mattered to her. It became an obsession and time came when he was gone. She knew he'd be gone one day and she sought refuge living in his memories and writing poems about those memories and every once in a while he'd step in her dreams and made her day. But this dream wasn't the one that pleased her but horrified her... 
She took out pen and her journal and wrote:

Today the world has come to its end
He was never for me I can't pretend
His face will linger in my memory for life long
But I accept the fate that he's gone
He's probably very pleased and settled in his life
And shower his love generously on his wife
I end this chapter today in tears 
Knowing that he wasn't really real
Just the illusion I blindly chased
But today I simply bow and accept my fate
P.S I just happen to know more than one cases of one sided love which leads to obsessions and later broken hearts.. Hearts which weren't meant to be broken but are broken because we assume a lot and like he idea of living in fantasy until life decides to snap the real picture before our eyes. So that is why I made up this story. 


  1. Unrequited love is so tough. Booooo..
    But life is like that. Not just with love but with everything else. Sigh...

  2. one sided love is resultant of immaturity or lack of personality to express one's emotions or to read one's will find more among people who don't have clarity in life.

  3. We all have gone through this one....may be not love but atleast crushes and mind you, they hurt as much!!

  4. You are right. All we really want is to be loved and its the saddest thing when people are not loved back.

    On another note, you havent written in so long. Hope all is well :-)

    1. Thank you for dropping by :)
      I need prayers :)

  5. I really loveddd the verses you have penned for this post! This is very relevant topic infact. i also know a few people who cross their limits of decency and even sanity in one sided love and chase their love interest even after thousand humiliations. One side love is a plain obsession, i agree.


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