So Ttotally Random

I have been blogging on Sundays only since last couple of weeks. I dedicate a big chunk of time to read the blogs I follow and try to come up with a post. This works better than not blogging at all (semester eats up all my time). I know I am quite busy on weekdays so I spare a little "me time" from weekend tasks and chores.

So, there's a lot going on in our lives and we do not realize the tiny little projects we are working on daily. For us it is just routine. So, I evaluated my routine and tried to find out where my time goes and why I seem to have a shortage of time even when I'm not Prime Minister's PA (Ha!). I figured that unknowingly I have leaped into so many projects and all of then share equal importance and need to be a part of my present without which I am nothing (kind of!). I tried to adjust project "dream" and  make it a part of my routine since I believe my day is not useful if I am not doing anything about chasing my dream/s. And did I succeed?
Let's see.
The project "education" is taking up the biggest space in my life. Since four years my University and semester and classes have been driving me insane, so much that I'm fed up of it and it seems to never. 8 hours there in campus for classes, unlimited hours for home tasks, assignments, quizzes and add up the traveling time consumption is stressful and mind boggling. Then there is a project "being self made" that take up a chunk. Well I am quite stubborn and in this aspect very egoistic. I like the western approach that they make their children learn the value of money and earn and well I am above 18 and should be able to support myself which I proudly am. So if I get 5 hours to sleep I thank God. And nothing in my routine is replaceable allowing me to squeeze some time for chasing my dreams. So I wonder at what age I will start chasing them?

This was a totally totally random post, I wanted to write something good and I am drained and actually sleepy.
Oh! waaiiiiiiiittttttttt
I almost forgot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a new blog award to share and show off :P :D (I will never grow up! I know)
My dear friend SUI just generously nominated my name for a precious award on her blog's birthday :)
Once again Happy Birthday to Imaginative Spiral. I am supposed to answer this ques:

Why you visit Imaginative Spiral, and would you agree for someone else to replace Sui Generis as its blogger?’

Here's the answer to WHY (which I already shared in comment box on her post & happily sharing again :) )

Things I like about imaginative spiral:
-> The posts are never boring. Always you seem to capture reader's mind and get him/her drowned in your words.
-> Posts are very straightforward and sweet. You can say anything in sweetest way, that keeps the reader coming back to read more and more :) 
-> The topics for post are not typical, that makes it a plus point for developing an interest in reading your words.
-> And last but not the least, I really like the positive touch in each of your post. It makes me feel anything can be conquered with a smile and a positive mind. I always always find something that inspires me and something I make a mind note about to remember and recall and this is what I love the most :)

and a big NO to replacing SUI on imaginative spiral because she has her own beautiful way of writing and that makes the spiral imaginative and fantastic :) Expressing gratitude for SUI :

SO, TIIIIMMMMMMMEEEEEEE to SHOW OFF the new addition on my page AWARDS :) :D


  1. I believe that we have to 'make' time for our dreams even if we 'find' none. It is damn hard though. -.-' Pursuing dreams can make us crazy. The failures,'s not time for that. Since you made such a sweet post with imaginative spiral in it that I will spare you the trouble of going through my lecture on life (sucks). :P

    Thank you for the lovely words. Keep visiting and I will not be a miser in showering awards. XD It is a proud moment for me too because this way I can be a part of your blog forever. ᕙ( ^ₒ^ c)


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