In the darkest of nights
when nightmare strikes
I run and run from fears unknown
I cry and plead
I try to breathe!

In dreams like these,
I hear your voice comforting my soul,
Your silhouette appears and erase it all!
You take my hand and I sink,
Hiding my face,
in your broad chest!
and you arms, strongly gripping my waist!

I know just then that there is no part
there is no part of me that hadn't craved,
for your return, I'd desperately prayed!!!
I wish for eternity this moment stay!
To rhythm divine together we sway!

The darkness is gone,
It dare not linger when I am with you
You whisper, promising it all to be true!!!
But the hitch there is don't you see? 
I am "with you" is a mere dream!!!!


  1. would be wonderful to have a person like that in our lives. But till this date I wonder if such a thing can truly happen. Can a companionship be so strong such that we find solace in the warmth of the other?

    Even so, what you wrote here is very heart touching Ph_. Made me yearn for something in life. ;)

    1. I like to stay in fantasy and dream things that hardly exists :P Yes this kind of love I myself have never ever seen... So I imagined it :D
      Thank you :)

  2. Love least at times it does

    1. It does most of the times!
      Thank you for dropping by :)

  3. Your endings are very interesting :D
    Beautiful composition.

    1. I noticed it by your comment :D
      Thank you!

  4. Very well written....I wish all your fantasies come true...;-)


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