You should know it now,
The moment you left I vowed,
To be anything but me,
To be someone you'll love to meet.
I transformed,
To someone I haven't thought I'd be!

Waiting to ask you,
Am I now good enough?
Am I someone not considered an option?
Am I better now?
Or the way I used to be was perfect too?
and I buried it without a cause,
just because of you!!!!


  1. A person who didn't appreciate you for being yourself will continue to do so no matter what you do. It is better to not lose your identity over a person like that because you will end up losing both. Of course writing this all is much easier than doing it. In this world it is hard to remain true to oneself. It is a rough road ahead. I somewhat know how it would feel. I have fought my whole life to keep my identity intact and to not give in to any kind of social pressure. It is very tough and is a long battle.

  2. beautifully are perfect in your own way..don't lose your identity for anyone..Love yourself :)

  3. Sigh*
    To receive a bit of love we do everything possible even we turn over the impossibility. In the process of filling life's void we , many a times build a strange separation to ourselves for someone else. There is no wrong in that but only till that sacrifice bless you the worth of love you deserve otherwise it's catastrophe.
    If love is beautiful then it's strange too.


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