Dreams are crushed:
When a child sees fancy toys in other children's hands and asks for the same thing from parents. Parents know they cannot afford it, they keep promising for it to be purchased soon. That wish becomes hope, false one that dies within and slowly that child becomes a teenager and then adult trying to earn for bread and butter. That innocent wish? Sinks with in and remains deep down like wreck of a ship drowned!

Dreams are crushed:
When you look into the eyes of person and feel all those longings inside, for no reason and hear a crashing sound within, knowing life can be cruel.

Dreams are crushed:
When you realize you've been another page in someone's life. Just another page. Unimportant, written in flow, never to be read and given much attention and importance.

Dreams are crushed:
When you realize that there is nothing forward to look at. Nothing bright.

Dreams are crushed:
When you feel hope has become another treacherous lie you tell yourself, it loses its meaning. You reach a point when pessimism is the only thing worth having some sense. This is how long 'bad' and 'down' phases prevail. Eternity has no meaning in love or for happiness too. Taste eternity in such bleakness of life.

Dreams are crushed:
When mother with her least strength and wrinkled hands prepare for the arrival of her beloved son! The son that left her in the peak of his youth and at the time she needed him the most!
When you see how spontaneously she comes to life with the news of her son coming for mere an hour...? yes you break!!

Dreams are crushed:
When you know you are your own back, and you yourself have to pat your back in appreciation and motivate yourself too. No one by your side, those who should have been there by any relation, by blood relation? They leave you alone first, rest follow.
Times when you feel the loneliest of all in its real meaning and essence?!!!

Dreams are crushed. You break. Like I said before, LIE in believe and LIE in LIFE and so LIE in live!!!
These fragile moments are just heart wrenching and its not it, the list goes on. Life is very cruel.
Do you feel it too? Or in the run of life you've forgotten to feel anything but superficiality???


  1. I think that life is not just it, it is happier moments too. Like the boy returning home, have you seen the happiness in his mother's eyes? Dreams were crushed, now, new ones are in making.

    Don't give up on the good side so fast :)

    Blasphemous Aesthete

    1. True.
      Sometimes can't help but ignore the good side, it lasts too quickly.

  2. This is awesome! You've given so many examples for how it feels when dreams are crushed. I can hear the crackling echoes of those crushed dreams!


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