You should feel too

The dream I chase, the face I trace, every night and every day....

I wish words could be heard even when they are not vocalized.
Why is a medium -like words and voice- required to be understood and known.
Why can't I be known when I am conserved and quiet, why can't feelings find their own way directly into the heart of our beloved, why can't they be felt with same intensity and same way by others?


  1. Feelings need words and voice because the world is blinded to read the state of heart that eyes hide (read reveal). We are surrounded by busy people who seem to have forgotten the beauty of silence. Somehow the noise, the chaos is soothing. We can get lost, we can remain unseen. But not everytime it works out, isn't it? And that when we realize that while we are longing silence to communicate, silence has left the place.

    Makes sense?

  2. Sometimes I feel the same but then I realize words are necessary or it is easy to misinterpret the true meaning of the feelings.

    I love the background so much!

    Take Care


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