She was looking at her fellow's hands. They were so delicate, white and soft! The skin was even, moistened up and there were rings, that were equally complementing the beauty of her fellow's hand. They were so perfect! 
She couldn't resist and looked at her's. Sun burnt, rough skin with uneven contour... They defined well her life isn't it? Her struggle and hard work, they way she ran here and there in search of living and what it took to finally have the place she had!!! Like the lines define destiny so does the outer appearance, she thought.
As for her fellow, she never had to see how life's actually is. She never had to "do" something for herself, she has been "blessed" with all those luxuries, it runs in her family...


  1. Everyone has a different life story..
    A lovely attempt dearie :)

  2. hmm...sad...but true....
    We all have our difficulties...some has physical...some got to do with mental....


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