Restlessness #2

I was lying there motionless. My mind was trying to recognize the voices I heard, very familiar. They were discussing what? Saying what? I wasn't aware. I just knew some people were 'out there'.
It was like being entrapped within. Blackness, deep menacing black shroud that this world had worn, is what I saw as far as I could see.
But I was doing nothing there. Just standing and looking at my right, left, top and bottom extremely terrified. Like my eyes were searching something. Something that was missing and I felt it! I did not have a sense of what was missing exactly, that I sought. Perhaps colors?! I don't know.
And then suddenly this place started to shrink. It was all coming down and with a terrifying scream I woke up, feeling as if my soul had been thrown from heights back into my body. I felt a jerk. My eyes filled with tears.

I woke up....


  1. Dreams have a way of saying what's going in our mind. Maybe thoughts thats coming to you see these days all came together and attacked your sleep ? :P Take care sweetie.. It just a nightmare, and dreams sometimes have no way in connection with reality !

    1. True :P
      It was thanks to a soporiphic medicine I was having (for my cough treatment) that I was having such dreams O_o

  2. I've got you a well deserved award, Ph!
    Follow the link!

  3. made me awe stricken...."feeling as if my soul had been thrown from heights back into my body"...!!


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