Trust me, it got more clear when I placed myself in your shoes.
You wouldn't desire to even know such a complex being, you would matter appearance and look and you like others would ignore the precious soul. "Not good enough."
Once I realized this, I lost every frail, foolish expectation I held from my fate and destiny. I do not blame them, nor I blame you.
It is ME after all........


  1. hmm..and its very nice that its YOU after all..its not easy to find yourself at the end...good write up !

  2. Ah - sigh. We all make that mistake some time or another but some people just dont learn.

  3. If its a real experience, I think you did one of the bravest act. Its not easy to step into others shoes and then accept (and most importantly let go) after knowing how we looked at. Kudos girl! :) May good times and good people surround you to heal this pain faster :)

    1. Thank you for actually presenting the positive aspect! Badly needed it. Thanks :)

  4. Have you ever experienced this kind of feelings?
    They are actually depressing and enigmatic...
    Sometimes the feelings from one side becomes too strong that we feel/expect the same from the other side.That gives you bliss but momentary soon as you figure out the strings of feelings breaking ...solitary, impatience comes within! and you find a way better to forget those things to make a new start.

    That's what I experienced... :)
    lovely background template :)
    Stay smiling!

    1. I am going through this. Only thing is I am not finding any way to break away my feelings and seek any other distractions.
      I have been so stupid all along :$

    2. I understand, what I suggested is not easy to follow but I assure you... there is no better way than this, in case of remorse.

  5. I can relate. Not good enough. I can relate so closely to that. People don't care about precious souls, even if they know every corner of it.

  6. at last, you have grabbed the reality. good for you!

    1. Yup. It is the place where I belong and where I should keep myself, in reality.


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