Much Desired Vacation!

This post is going to be random, read on your own risk. Nothing interesting!

She told me that University is going to reopen on 26th-Dec of this year and not on 2nd Jan of the new year as everyone thought and I nearly chocked!

What the HELL!
No freakin' way!

Of course the above two lines and more just echoed with in, not that I said that to her but I asked her if she was sure about it. She responded in affirmative and I grew silent after that.


Here, let me explain. Though it's been an year since I got admitted in University, I'm not that excited for it to reopen and I am not much up for the third Semester either!

Hmm.. Before considering me nuts, you should know I was all excited at the start, pretty much and I thought I was doing well until after a month past, I realized everything wasn't OKAY. What was cooking behind my back was of course too much for me to handle and that is exactly since when I started to have this very down feeling regarding Uni. And I wasn't really up for it. Already!
And let me assure you, I've no problem with our courses or studies in all, except of the fact that two Semester consecutively I've falling severely ill before exams, so I've been quite unable to show the actual spark in me in academics but I guess my teachers are pretty much satisfied. Some tough luck isn't it??
And even this semester, thanks to particulars and and thanks to what ever has been going round and thanks to mother nature I'm still not well. Huh!

Well, this is all. I'm not going to include in this post 'what I learned' this year specially stepping in the "practical life" as they say, but seriously one thing to add is that I've not found anyone "practical" in this new practical life. And secondly, most important thing these were the holidays I was waiting for anxiously since I needed a break from all those faces and from that stress. I needed sometime to calm myself -my stunned self- actually, and I needed sometime... sometime to relax!

And this, I feel, is perfect time to heal. Even a bit! It is the mid of December, with winters, the two of my beloved things! And though memory takes time to fade, A LOT time but nothing is worth losing yourself but in the hands of winter!
These are just the vacations I needed!



  1. Enjoy your holidays. Enjoy winters. :)

  2. the line in the picture is beautiful. lol @ nothing practical about practical life :P ....koi nahin Allah bhala karayga :P abhi to or bhi imtehaan baki hain LOL

  3. @ Shreya : :)

    @ Eddie L Thank you :) Imtehan!! *Sighs* Tauba :P

    @ ITM : I love you too <3

  4. hey Ph_ can you please enable rss feeds for your that i can read them offline..i can just view half of your posts in mobile in feeds...
    It would be great to read,as i usually read offline...
    hey this was beautifully written,i also liked the wordings in the pic...

  5. @ My_Mirror_Image : Hello :) Umm.. Thanks for informing me I've checked the settings, posts feeds are enabled to full, is there any other way which I can apply??
    And thank you very much :)


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