Perfection in mortals

If PERFECTION is what you search in mortal souls who are trended to rise learning from mistakes... If its acquisition is your sole motive, then I guess seeking something nonexistent is mere playing with yourself., like running after an illusion and secluding yourself for reasons which are out of sense! Is this wisdom, what you call? Or is it how you believe to be not ordinary, any thing but that you say?

In the end, the shells of falsehood created to satisfy our own egos are crushed and shattered by a single strike of cold wind. Before you suffer any loss and before you regret, find yourself!

P.S. Blah! I was bored.


  1. very true n thought provoking....... !!!

  2. humans never find self before suffereing loss...

  3. Yes as always the search for the illusion has been the way with humans..
    I was pretty serious all through and was laughing the next instant when i read your P.S. :D


  4. Hmmmmm :-) Dont't make me pray for you to be "bored" bit more often, if this is the outcome ;-) Well, written.

  5. @ IRFANUDDIN : =) Thank you.

    @ Sidrah : Thank you :)

    @ Blasphemous : LOL =p So, you too? =D

    @ majworld : Agreed.

    @ Alcina : hahaha =D Pleased to have made you smile. Nice add, indeed it is in human nature and it can not be changed.. And so the search continues.
    Thank you very much =)

    @ Dua : LOL Really??! Well, I am humbled. Thank you =)

  6. "I strive for excellence not perfection, because excellence I reach for and perfection is God's business!!"


  7. finding our own selves is sometimes nothing short of finding an illusion as all we come across in this pursuit is the falsehood abt our own knowledge of our being as we been believing it so far... n then the quest really begins ..

  8. Have something for you..
    Do check it on my blog :)

  9. very nyc provoking thought :)

  10. @ Shail : *Perfection is God's business* Well said =)

    @ mahlaqa : Hmmm.. Agreed to that! =)

    @ Simran : I am honored Simran. Thank you very much :)

    @ anummunaf : Thank you :)

  11. something for you on my blog =)

  12. Im..justt in LOVE with your blog girll <3 :)

  13. @ ITM! : Awe :D *hugs* <3 <3 Thank yooouuuuu :) <3

  14. lol please stay bored always ? :P

    WOW ?

  15. @ Eddie : LOL :D Ohkay. And thank you :)


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