To have all at first but to have lost

To have something which was never yours

To get what you never wished

To wish what you'll never have

To smile when you Really can't

To weep alone at day's end

To wander at an endless path

To dwell sometimes in your past

To be patient , to hold on when you really can't

Can words ever define the intensity of all these pain ????


  1. nice poem =)
    it has flow! But why so sad-sad?? Oo

    btw you blog real fast =D i used to do so when i made my first blog, now am slow =/

  2. really well written poem..and sometimes words can't descibe what we feel..its just a feeling..which probably no one can understand at times..nice sad poem :)

  3. Can words ever define the intensity of all these pain ????

    well you just did.

    Cheer Up Princess,

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  4. hey there lady, you deserve a huge vat of appreciation for what you just wrote, but when you can write down your feelings, cant you get yourself out of this depression?

    Are you that weak?
    I doubt.

  5. @ Sidrah : thanks for liking the post :) actually I publish what I am feeling right that moment but I'll control the publish timings thanks for notifying that :)

    @ majworld : yup ! you said it all right , thank you :)

    @ Blasphemous : thank you :) yup am okie now , new morning new sunshine and new happy mood :)

    @ Existing somehow : thank you for appreciation :)
    I get depressed get out of it , sometimes by myself and sometimes by the help of my friends that's life isn't it ? One day your sad other day you are back to normal , back to being you :) CHEERS FOR YOU AND ME :)


  6. cheers my friend :)

    Glad to know you are okay :)

  7. oh no, dont! keep blogging fast =D it is good ^^

  8. @ Existing somehow : :)

    @ Sidrah : okie :)

  9. so in other words u mean to say that i am always right :p

  10. Words can describe alot but not everything, some pains are indescribable, there are no words that can ever describe them :-) The only one goin throug the pain in the one that can feel it, other might "think" they know how it feels but they can't really feel the exact pain! God bless - great poem :-)

  11. Sad. :(
    Don't know why everyone in blogsville so sad!!

  12. @ majworld : I lie sometimes LOL

    @MoodyGirl :thank you :) welcome in my little world :) you've said it right no one words hold enough power to define their strength , they express only a part of one feels !
    Again I'm very thankful for your visit keep coming :)

  13. ya sometimes, but not that time :)

  14. @ majworld : this all up there means your whole comment was true :) all is never equivalent to always :P

  15. Hahahaha :D...gud sharp one :)..i surrender :p

  16. No words can ever define such pain chahe kuch bhi ho. But as a few said here, feeling it is the only way that can make someone feel attached to some certain words.. but not everyone can feel it

  17. Awesomely expressed..
    Such pain isn't usually definable by words, it can only be felt!

  18. @ majworld : HAH ! :D LOL

    @ MoodyGuy : well said :) I totally agree with you !

    @ nZ : Hey Welcome :) And thanks ! Truly Words do not hold enough power to define the depth of such pains :/

  19. Words can never describe the intensity of such pain! It can only be felt.

  20. words are mere numbers - which can count but not measure :) or so I feel!

  21. @ siras : yeah you're right ! thanks :)

    @ Americanising Desi : you've sum up all the theory in this single line ! Thanks :)

  22. very well written dear

  23. http://jingleyanqiu.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/family-fridays-posts-in-blogs-form-a-show-celebrating-dorazs-2-years-blogging-fun/

    two awards on the bottom for you,
    please join the party in celebrating Doraz's 2 year blogging fun.
    thanks for the attention!

  24. @ reedsss : Hello and Welcome :)thank you so much !

    @ Jingle : Thank you very much :) Sure I'll join !


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