Secrets to THE LABYRINTH ....!!!!!

Life is like a labyrinth
.... Its passageways hold many mysteries . We are courageous and intelligent enough to solve a few , some get obvious with time while rest remain unsolved and unanswered forever !

Walking through its criss cross lanes we experience many seasons . We see the golden light change its shade to the darker blues . Thunder strikes , darkness falls but we continue to move on ... may be sometimes we're compelled to take a step ahead when we do not want to ! Searching and struggling our way through this maze of life ......

Sometimes we experience a stagnant phase when it seems time has turn into a halt . The actual fact is we've entered a new dimension in our labyrinth .. like a whole new level . The sudden stop we feel is because the paths are adjusting themselves for us while we are learning to gain familiarity with our new phase .. We are getting ready for the new challenges that await us .

In this walk many people acquaint us . It is like some of OUR phases intersect with THEIRS . Some people have a long way to cover with us while some have a temporary stay . All these people in many ways leave their impacts on us whether we feel it or not ..

Sometimes the passageways of our labyrinth are so beautiful that we desire to seize time and live this beauty forever . However the harsh reality is wonderful visions fade away with time quickly while dreary ones seem to last forever . That is how the clock of our labyrinth ticks .

Another interesting fact here is when we are full of dismay and when despondency strikes there is always a fire fly to lighten our paths . It can be in any form but the glow of light is always there . We have just got to feel the arch of color after every storm !

Hanging on , optimism and patience are the best traits to live up with however one must also learn to LET GO because sometimes letting go is the need of situation . There are times when one feel desolated and lonesome , true , but clinging to emo mood is not going to help the situation . It gets even worst when you isolate yourself . I believe veils of solitude get removed , fog ends and twilight shines after every dark night .

So , you see , this labyrinth of life is equally bright and dark . No matter we suffer the gloom or the spring we've got to keep moving on !

That's the game isn't it ?


  1. never knew you were that philosophical :P

  2. I second Shaggy =p .. these were indeed words of wisdom :)

  3. Aww. . Good going :) nice post girlooo!
    BTW this new theme is beautiful :)

  4. @ Shauftaabbas : and hey that's only a glimpse of my philosophical thoughts =p LOL

    @ Nostalgic : thanks dear :)

    @ Xehra : thank you so much for liking the posts and design :)

  5. hey, there used to be a PH here with that blog layout:S..u seen her?? :)
    nd nice motivational post..gud u showd brighter side of life to us :)

  6. oh wowwww this layout really gud PH...liked it..v fresh...

  7. Wonderful, rich words of wisdom which I truly enjoyed xx

  8. @ majworld : Ph is still here and she's the same :P thank you :)

    And thanks a lot for liking the blog layout :)

    @ Mia Mirza : Hello there and welcome to " As I observed ...! " :) Thank you so much for the visit and the comment :)

  9. @ buttercup : Thank you sssssoooooooo much for dropping by and thank you for enjoying the post too :)

  10. You are inspiring! :)

  11. You can count on me to be regular =)

  12. @ Existing somehow : Thank you for the praise :)

    @ Mia Mirza : That's great :) I am glad to have you here then :)

  13. Well, Princess! That's exactly the "game" :-D You've discovered it so well - *thumps up* One got to keep moving on, because whether we stop or keep walking, Life got no breaks No stops no nothing! N you're right, it's not always about holding on, some situations require letting go, be in the past, the bad habits, the fear, the sinful ife, be it anything; sometimes it's better to let go N move on!

    N yeah, LOVED your new theme N all features ;-) Allah bless.

  14. letting go can be hard but sometimes it is the only option. clinging on your past doesn't help. Change is good!

    I love your new layout =D Yay!

  15. @ Dua : thank you so much :) and hey the new layout is all my friends effort :) thanks for liking it :)

    @ Sidrah : you are right ! letting go is indeed painful ! thanks for the like :)

  16. Inspirational!
    it cam be best described as "Life as i view it" and yes, you are an inspiration for many others,specially whom life is a dark labyrinth only but they can hope for the twilight =)

  17. @ ReeBz : thank you very much :)

  18. @ Jingle : thanks for the visit and awards :)


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