Grow Up??

My brother keeps telling me to grow up. It is so frequent these days that I am starting to get irritated of it now. The next time he says this, I'm going to punch his face. May be.... Or not.
(One can only imagine, its harmless!)

I am finding it hard to push my way around the mess, I am ready to quit but I keep going on, I'm ready to break into shards but I'm not letting that happen somehow, I'm being more humble, patient and tolerant with things that are odd and with people that sting, I'm trying to let "YOU CAN DO IT, YOU'RE STRONG" echo within and let it actually inspire me when I am not certain what goals I should have now when everything I aspire turned out impossible, I'm trying to socialize and be in colorful events when all I want to do is stay in my room isolated and confined! I want to hide, but I don't.

You see this??
huh.. Grow up???


  1. hmm...may be the actual advise for you is not to grow up but to stop hiding...the bravey is to face everyone ever where and everytime be the same.

    Just think...when things turn out good you should be in a decent position not to startle people with your presence...ehh?

    Be happy and stay safe !

  2. Don't listen to anybody.. Just be yourself.. If you feel like staying away for a while do that.. But just keep in mind that " you can do it.. You are strong..!!" Stay happy.. Cheer up girl..!!

  3. Happens though i dont have any siblings but i do get to here it from others at times.It is just that they forget they have gone through a phase like that themselves or they want to say exactly the same things to you that their elders said to them.But whatever this feeling of sitting alone in a room isolated is something i can identify with.It is peaceful and dont have to bother with people around you.Though they dont stop interfering.
    Take care

  4. Don't push it, or you'll know it up close. And it will loop again. :)

    Just go with it, do what the head tells.
    Here is something I wrote, in similar stupor. Find solace in knowing that you're not the only one walking this road, it is a highway and we're all in a hurry to 'Live' it :)

    Blasphemous Aesthete

    1. That is one of my favourite post by you!

      I'm trying to not be too hard on myself.
      Thank you!! :)

  5. people say we are paranoid i believe they are ignorant

    Simple isn't it ?

  6. I think growing up is different for everyone. For you it's different and so it is for your brother.

  7. What is meat to one is poison to another and the same is for growing up. Experiences define us and don't be angry on him, just let it slide away someday he will understand.

    1. Well said! Thank you :)
      No, I'm not angry with him at all :)

  8. Very nice...11 I absolutely enjoyed reading do check out my blog too :)
    with love ,

    1. Will surely visit :)
      thanks for dropping by! :)


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