My Soul

Mistakes are meant to be made.
I read this somewhere and my soul trembled.
It is hard to explain why. See, there are some mistakes, once they are made you cannot amend them, there is just no option to undo or correct. You realize it once you start paying for what you did.
Blame the society, make external influencing factors and causes the excuse to ruin your life but it all started from you, from your own choices! I’ve seen this, I’ve been living this. No no, I did not make any choice or mistake it is just that I am made to pay for what others did and it has actually sucked life out of me. I never really had options to decide or choose from.
But what I mean is… this statement is wrong, it has its limits and it is not applicable beyond that.

Her full stop was marked with heavy ink, seems like she spent some time thinking more about whatever she had experienced. I am not sure what exactly she meant with suffering, I found her in deep agony sometimes and it is reflected in her words. May be what she has been through has made her feel everything in its depth so maybe that is why she could write in such excellence.  This is her last diary update, I feel like returning the book to her locker she is going insane searching for it, and frankly I do not envy her diary anymore. Like she is not hiding anything but just venting her rage out on paper and it doesn’t seem like a bad idea. The idea that has influenced me to write as well.
This book just made me love her more, I wouldn’t try to change her but bring her out of this. Whatever it is. So I just dedicate this book to her.

Dear diary, this is the beginning of my venture to love and satisfy the soul I’ve been drawn to since day one. 


  1. I understand your situation dearie. It's fine when we pay for our mistakes but when we have to pay for others' mistake too..It's hell!!

    You are adroit at expressing your emotions, things going out of your control,feeling of restlessness, unsatisfactory is likely to affect your writings.

    And I also know penning down inner feelings is such a pleasure!
    Keep writing my dearie!
    You know, after years you'll find these days the best days (not joking ), this experience would help you throughout your life.

    Be Hopeful always :-)
    Lots of Love!!

    1. It was just a random story I came up with :)
      Thank you dear! :)

  2. But, at the end of the day, we all make mistakes. And, we all learn from them. Even though it sounds cliched, but I've learned that to regret is the most easiest way to be down and depressed.

    So, stand by what you did. Admit it. Pay for it. That is how you'll be groomed. That is how you'll be 'polished'. Yeah, research about diamond polishing and you'll get the hint about where I'm headed with the previous statement.

    Also, i liked your diary entry :) Will love to read more of those.

    Cheers :D

    P.S. If you do not agree with what I said above, it's entirely okay. Each one has their own theories to live by after all :)

    1. I completely agree with your point of view when I am optimistic and not sad and feeling a rebel so you are definitely right :) Thank you

  3. Hmm. Some mistakes which are meant to be made are not really mistakes, now, are they? Suffering and pain is the part of everyone's life irrespective of their source. So yeah, it sucks but all we can do is suck it up and move on. The best we can do is learn from our mistakes and try to let go of the pain.


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