They say friendships that last longer than 7 years are likely to last life long. 

She was sitting on the stage. I entered and walked reluctantly towards the stage. I saw the photographers crowding the place in front of the bride and groom. I stood at the side looking at her, observing her, wishing if she'd just look at me and recognize.
She was posing for the photo. The camera man asked her to look in the camera and smile, her eyes fall on me instead of the lens and she literally jumped from her seat and flashed the biggest happiest smile ever! Then realized she was amidst her in laws all waiting to have a photo with her so she looked in the lens, just to get done with it and then with a hand movement asked me to come up to stage.
9 Years of friendship and being together as the craziest group! I congratulate my dearest School friend T on her marriage :)


  1. Almost a decade. Wow. Cheers to the both of you :)

  2. I am glad she acknowledged you among so many guests waiting. That is true friendship.

  3. Congratulations to your friend :) Wishing you both life long friendship :)


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