IT is amazing how last year started to be fun and hectic all at the same time. Yesterday was probably the first time in five years that I really did enjoy in University! Not that I have not been having fun before, I attended every official function with great interest but they were all the same. Tiring more than fun. Or may be I felt so.
But I am glad it is ending. Insha'ALLAH.

Although I am an Engineer (almost!!) I always thought of being a writer and publish my own book. I did not know how I will become a writer but these words by Danielle Steel, which I am sharing in this post, just lifted me up a lot today:

"A lot of the comments I receive from fans have to do with what it's like to begin your career as a writer. For those of you who are struggling writers out there, trying to write your first novel, or an essay, or a poem, or whatever form of writing excites you—if you’re writing, YOU ARE A WRITER, and don’t let anyone tell you, or imply, otherwise. You are a writer long, long, long before you get published!! So keep at it. And I wish you the best of luck!"

So I am a writer? *yay me*

P.S I have not been blog reading lately. I am sorry for that. 


  1. Congratulations on finishing your University courses and graduating. Wish you all the best in your effort to publish your first book.

    1. No no no Rajan, I am so sorry that you took it wrong. With last day I meant the day before I wrote the post. It is my mistake of writing that you mistook it I have updated the post. I apologize.
      Thank you for your kind wishes :)

  2. All the best... Hoping to read your book soon :)


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